Restoration & Rehabilitation

Site Plan

Carriage House

South Elevation

Ed Dwight’s Weathervane

Dwight 1

Summer Wheat’s JewelHouse

Outside installation

James Turrell’s Skyspace

Restorative Practices


What’s a city museum? What are the humanities?

The Museum of Kansas City is a city museum that embraces the humanities to explore the past, present, and future of our city.

We value and incorporate how the International Council of Museums defines city museums: “A city museum is a museum that stands in the city, talks about the city, and thinks through the city. However diverse they may be in their strategies, approaches or models, city museums have the city at the core of their interests and activities. Their main aim is to contribute to urban social and cultural development by engaging with different communities, connecting people and places, and fostering knowledge and awareness about their city’s past, present, and future.”

We value and incorporate how Missouri Humanities defines the humanities: “Simply put, the humanities are the study of how people connect to the human experience through history, culture, and traditions.” Click here for their brief video that tells more.