Restoration & Rehabilitation

Site Plan

Carriage House

South Elevation

Ed Dwight’s Weathervane

Dwight 1

Summer Wheat’s JewelHouse

Outside installation

James Turrell’s Skyspace

Restorative Practices


Second Floor

The Second Floor of Corinthian Hall has main five exhibition galleries with historical objects that provide a history of Kansas City. The galleries feature the often untold or under-told stories of the city and its people. Four main galleries provide a chrono-thematic timeline of the city’s history. The fifth gallery showcases limited-run exhibits that take a deeper dive into the Museum’s collection groups.

Exhibition Galleries on the Second Floor:

  • Cultural Confluences: Rivers to 1870s, The Freedom’s Frontier National Heritage Area Gallery
  • An Evolving City Landscape: 1880s to 1920s, The William T. Kemper Gallery
  • Flourishing Populations and Industries: 1910s to 1940s, The Joseph Charles Cirese Sr. and Central Bank of Kansas City Gallery on behalf of the Dr. Dominic F. Tutera Family
  • The Kansas City Spirit: 1940s to 1980s, The Edward F. Swinney Foundation, Bank of America, N.A., Trustee Gallery
  • The Museum of Kansas City Collections: St. Joseph Hospital’s Donald Piper Medical Museum Collection, The Jean and Tom McDonnell Gallery

The Second Floor has a meeting and education room that is used for meetings, programs, special events, and temporary exhibits that connect to current topics and projects in Kansas City.

The following works of contemporary art are on the Second Floor: Cordon d’Or by Marv Graff, Healing at the Roots by Clarissa Knighten, Homes/Hogares by Kiki Serna, Ha · Hou by Mona Cliff, The Ties that Bind Us and Living Memory by Renée Cinderhouse, and Portraits of Us by Zachary Laman.