The Museum of Kansas City is committed to providing access to ALL visitors. Our goal is for every visitor and patron to have a memorable, easy, and comfortable visit to the Museum.
This page contains information to help you plan your visit. Once inside Corinthian Hall, general Museum inquiries and questions about accessibility may be directed to the Welcome Desk.
Para mas información, comuníquese con Paul Gutiérrez al 816.702.7705
The use or possession of any type of weapon or explosive is strictly prohibited on The Museum of Kansas City property.
Smoking is prohibited on The Museum of Kansas City property.
No outside food or beverages are allowed in The Museum.
No backpacks, umbrellas, or large tote bags are allowed in Corinthian Hall. You may check your belongings, including coats, umbrellas, and strollers, at the Welcome Desk for the duration of your visit.
Service dogs are welcome. Service dogs must be on a non-retractable physical leash that is less than six feet in length. Each visitor may only have one service dog. Per the U.S. Department of Justice’s ADA requirements for service dogs, the service dog must be trained to provide assistance to a person with a disability. Visitors are not allowed to bring emotional support animals into the Museum.
The Museum of Kansas City frequently videotapes and photographs participants enjoying our programs, special events, and facilities. These images are used by The Museum of Kansas City and the City of Kansas City, Mo. in publications, on the web, for television/cable promotions, or to use as is seen fit. The images are used at the Museum’s discretion and become its sole property.
Click here to review photography policies.
The Museum of Kansas City reserves the right to refuse or revoke the admission of any visitor whose conduct violates its policies.
Thank you for your patience, respect, and cooperation with our guidelines and policies.