Restoration & Rehabilitation

Site Plan

Carriage House

South Elevation

Ed Dwight’s Weathervane

Dwight 1

Summer Wheat’s JewelHouse

Outside installation

James Turrell’s Skyspace

Restorative Practices


Joy Is Resistance on View through April 27, 2025

For over 400 years, African Americans have faced unimaginable adversity – enslaved, marginalized, and subjected to systemic racism. Yet amid racial trauma, one thread has remained unbroken: the power of Black joy. Joy Is Resistance is an exhibition that celebrates the unyielding spirit of Black people through the lens of six visionary artists from the African American Artists Collective including Stasi Bobo-Ligon, Toni Gates, Tracy Milsap, Joseph Newton, Sonié Joi Thompson-Ruffin, and Jason Wilcox.

This exhibit explores how joy has always been a revolutionary act for Black communities. It has served as a balm for pain, a testament for survival, and a vibrant expression of self-affirmation. Whether through bold colors, intimate portraits, abstract interpretations of Black life, or storytelling, each artist in this exhibit demonstrates joy in their own unique way.

Through their artistic voices, these artists invite you to witness how joy always existed alongside the struggle, offering a sanctuary for healing and a space for transformation. Their art reminds us that to embrace joy in the face of oppression is, in itself, a radical act of resistance. The exhibit will run through April 27, 2025.

To Learn more about the African American Artists Collective, visit