Home of the whole story, including yours.

As we kick off our 85th year, we are excited to share a new name and a new brand identity. We are now The Museum of Kansas City.

While our name change is subtle, our transformation has been monumental.

We take great pride in our roots and our legacy as a history museum that focused on Kansas City’s past, but today we celebrate our new identity as a city museum that embraces the humanities to explore the past, present, and future of Kansas City.

Just as a loom joins threads into a tapestry, our new logo symbolizes our commitment to weaving together diverse stories, perspectives, and voices.

At the Museum, each thread offers a unique glimpse into an individual journey that makes up the narrative fabric of our city.

The Museum of Kansas City

Here, differences come together to deepen understanding, spark dialogue, and celebrate the richness of our collective human experience.

The new name and brand identity for The Museum of Kansas City will gradually be revealed across all Museum assets over the course of the year. The new brand includes red and blue, the city’s signature colors, to illustrate a welcoming spirit for all and the vibrant energy of Kansas City’s people. When these colors combine, they produce purple, representing the intersection of diverse viewpoints, the strength of collective impact, and the richness of our shared human experience.

Purple is the blending of red and blue, representing the intersection of diverse viewpoints, and the strength of coming together for collective impact.

Patina is adapted from the green color of the aged copper on the buildings, representing the gift of the property by the R.A. Long family to create a public museum, the importance of historic preservation, and the passage of time.

Magenta was inspired by the magnificent sunsets seen from the Museum grounds and the adjacent parkland, representing transformation on the horizon, and the illumination of untold stories.

We speak KC. Past, present, and future.

MKC water bottle KC colors

Throughout the coming year, you will see our new brand applied across the campus. New signs, new gifts, new events.

Wisteria, the Museum’s boutique, Elixir, the Museum’s soda fountain, and Café at 3218, where the Museum hosts culinary programs, will also evolve to reflect the new look and feel of the brand.

Restoring History, Building the Future:
The Ongoing “Making A Museum KC” Campaign

Rendering of JewelHouse by International Architects Atelier.

In 2016 we launched our multi-year, multi-staged “Making A Museum KC” capital campaign to support the restoration and rehabilitation of the entire historic campus, which continues today.

Currently, the Museum is actively working with International Architects Atelier (IAA) and JE Dunn Construction to begin the exterior restoration and rehabilitation of the remaining historic buildings on the campus including the Carriage House, Lodge (former Horse Trainer’s Home), Carpenter’s Shed, and Conservatory, which will become JewelHouse by artist Summer Wheat. The Museum is also working with IAA on the design of new experiences on the grounds including a James Turrell Skyspace.

Learn More about Making a Museum KC

Learn More about Making a Museum KC

The Museum of Kansas City | 3218 Gladstone Blvd. | Kansas City, Missouri 64123

©2025 The Museum of Kansas City